
Allocating Divisible Resources on Arms with Unknown and Random Rewards.

Chen Ningyuan, Wenhao Li. "Allocating Divisible Resources on Arms with Unknown and Random Rewards." COLT 2023.

Who Is Next: Patient Prioritization under Emergency Department Blocking

Li, Wenhao, Zhankun Sun, and L. Jeff Hong. "Who is next: Patient prioritization under emergency department blocking." Operations Research (2021).

Algorithmic Decision Making Safeguarded by Human Knowledge.

Chen, Ningyuan and Hu, Ming and Li, Wenhao, Algorithmic Decision-Making Safeguarded by Human Knowledge. Available at SSRN:

Dimension Reduction in Contextual Online Learning via Nonparametric Variable Selection.

Li, Wenhao, Ningyuan Chen, and L. Jeff Hong. "Dimension reduction in contextual online learning via nonparametric variable selection." Journal of Machine Learning Research 24.136 (2023): 1-84.

A Dimension-free Algorithm for Contextual Continuum-armed Bandits.

Li, Wenhao, Ningyuan Chen, and L. Jeff Hong. "A dimension-free algorithm for contextual continuum-armed bandits." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.06550 (2019).